Alupastenspray Anti-Saize Auspuffschutzlack schwarz Auspuffschutzlack Silber Batteriepol-schutzspray Bio-Rostlöser Bohr- & Schneidöl Bremsen-Montage-Spray Bremsenreiniger Chromspray Cockpit Silikon Cockpitreiniger-Spray Dicht-und Klebstoffentferner Edelstahl-Lackspray Entfetter Entfrosterspray Entwickler-Spray Felgenreiniger-Spray Felgensilber Formentrennmittel Glasreiniger Gleitmittel Graphitspray Graphitspray trocken Haftgrund Haftschmierspray Hohlraumspray Industriereiniger Isolierlack Kältespray Kaltstartspray Keil- und Treibriemenspray Keramik-Emaille- Spray Keramikpastenspray Kettenspray Klarlack-Spray Kontaktreiniger Kontaktspray Kontrastmittel Kunststoff Haftgrund Kunststofflack Kupferpastenspray Lack- & Dichtungsentferner Lackspray Lebensmittelfett Lebensmittelöl Lecksucher Markierungsfarbe Montage- Reiniger Montageschaum B3 Motorplast Motorreiniger Motorschutzlack Motorstarter Oberflächenpflege Ofenlack PTFE Spray PU-Montageschaum PUR Reiniger Rißprüfset- Reiniger Rostlöser Rost-Schock Rostschutz-Wachs Rost-Stop Langzeitgrundierung Schaumreiniger Scheiben/Polster- Reiniger Schutzwachs-Spray Schwarz matt Schwarz seidenmatt Schwarz-glänzend Spray Schweiß-Schutzspray Co² Schweiß-Trennspray Silikonspray Sprühfett weißxSprühkleber Starthilfe Steinschlagschutz Teerentferner UBS UHS SpezialxVergaserreiniger Vielzweckspray Vorgefüllte Dose W 4000 Wachs Unterbodenschutz Wartungsspray Weiß glänzend Weiß matt Zahnrad- Schutzspray Zink-Alu-Spray Zinkausbesserung Zinkspray Zweiradpflegespray



Dear Madam, dear Sir!
eurOsol wants to introduce it self in the Internet. eurOsol is a Slovenian company under German leadership with all German production technique. Our range of pruduction is spray cans from 100ml up to 750ml, Canisters with 5, 10 or 30l and barrels with 60 or 200l. Four filling lines are able to produce a large number of spray in a short time.

Permanent quality control in our own laboratory guarantees high production standard. To be able to react flexible and to be efficient are our matter of course. With a capacity of up to 60000 filling units a day, we are able to fulfil delivering wishes in any case. Short time of delivery is the aim of our management. Our pallet of products include aerosols out of technical fields, as well as consumer products, engineering, vehicle services and industries. We present your possibility to offer your customers high standard at low price. eurOsol realizes the demands being held on a modern concept of industry. We would be pleased, if you contact us for further information and, if you like, for a quotation.

eurOsol d.o.o.
Cesta železarjev 8
SLO - 4270 Jesenice
Fon       +386 45 8128-11
Fax +386 45 8128-12
Mr. Beges +386 45 8128-13
Mr. Rappold +386 45 8128-17
For orders please use:


  SPIRIT Slowenija